Tag Archives: Coming Soon

Premiere at the QUAD

17 Dec

Hi Mediadreamzers

It has been a week since I posted and these days I blink and the time goes within that action. Usually my Sundays are plain and quiet, however, Sunday 8th December was certainly an interesting one.

If you scroll back through the archived posts for this Summer I worked on a pilot episode called ‘Jobseekers’ that was being produced by a company called YSP Media and I spent a week helping them film in Derby and all around (thought it feels like that it was yesterday that we were filming the first episode). Well, last night was the premiere of the episode in Derby, at the QUAD, and I must say it was nice to go back to the city. I arrived and was directed up to the Box where the YSP crew were. It was great catching up with Belinda Basson, the producer of the episode who gave me the list of attendees, whilst I saw other members of the crew. During the run round at QUAD, Chris Bevan the great director of the episode was running round making sure all went smoothly and it did. I’m guessing it felt surreal for everyone as it felt that we worked on the project yesterday and yet we were here. Once at the table set up for ‘Jobseekers’, it was a case of helping meet and greet guests, VIPs, sponsors and the cast who had featured in the episode. Once the bulk of guests had arrived, it was a case of travelling to the second floor and walking one the red carpet. I have never walked on a red carpet before, so I savored every moment of it too! (it felt like across between a night at the BAFTA and the Oscars).

I admit it was the first time I have been in the QUAD Cinema of all the time I was at University, well there is a first for everything. Before the screening there was an introduction by Chris who introduced Lee Dilley the writer of the ‘Jobseekers’ episode, and then the episode commenced. It was great watching the final piece on the big screen and seeing how it looked, we all laughed at the right moments and when it finished the screen room was engulfed in non-stop applause. During the rolling of the credits I saw some additional footage and smiled when I saw my name on the runners page, the episode was an ultimate highlight when there was a cameo appearance of Lee, as a tailor. There was a Q & A afterwards where a selection of the cast answered questions, some of which got a few laughs and cheers from.

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Before networking and catching up with a few people everyone was given the chance to have their pictures taken with the cast and crew, in the green room (the ironic thing about the room was that it was Yellow). Hopefully, the planned 5 episodes will be made in the New Year and we can all come back together to make a great series and see if BBC, ITV or C4 are tempted by the series as it is different and local.

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YSP Media are great to work with and if I was offered the chance to do it all again, too right I would do it.